TIG Welding

TIG welding, or Tungsten Inert Gas welding, is a precise arc welding process that utilises a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce a weld.

What is TIG Welding?

TIG welding, also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), involves creating an electric arc between a tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The process uses an inert gas, typically argon or helium, which protects the weld area from atmospheric contamination.

Why Use TIG Welding

  • Precision: TIG welding allows a high degree of control over the weld pool, making it ideal for applications requiring intricate and precise welds. This is particularly important in industries where the quality of the weld is critical.
  • Versatility: TIG welding can be used on various materials. It is suitable for thin and thick materials, making it versatile for multiple applications.
  • Clean Welds: The process produces clean and aesthetically pleasing welds.
  • Manual Operation: TIG welding is primarily a manual process that allows skilled welders to control the heat input and filler material precisely. This manual control is essential for achieving high-quality welds, especially in complex or critical applications.

Why Choose Us

  • High-Quality Welds: our specialists are highly trained in TIG welding, and we are renowned for producing clean, precise welds with excellent aesthetic quality.
  • Flexibility: TIG welding can be used on a wide range of metals, and we have experience in most materials.
  • Accuracy & control The process allows exceptional control over the heat input and weld pool, enabling welders to work with thin materials and intricate designs. Our specialists have years of knowledge and skills to match your specific requirements.

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